Mark Posey | Nocturne: LONDON

3 - 17 Février 2022

Critically acclaimed American visual artist Mark Posey, renowned for his signature combination of modern and historical aesthetics, débuts a new and never-before-seen collection of works for his ‘Nocturne’ solo exhibition at HOFA Gallery London. The collection of works on display will reflect on Mark Posey’s evolution as an artist and as a culmination of his trajectory.

The artworks tackle the subject of Nightlife and existence beyond the confines of daily society and its expectations. Neon signs, graffiti and darkness await behind the blurred gateways to these mysterious worlds. 
‘Nocturne’ I to V are works that tamper with expectations of space, perspective, and light. They appear as glass windows lathered in condensation in turn, the viewer is engaged as a witness to these nocturnal settings.