29 Mars - 10 Mai 2019

Employing Chinese aesthetics, meditations on color, nature and form while referencing Impressionism and Western artistic practices, his large-scale, sculptural panels reference the significance of the flower from his native China to that of the blooms in the Netherlands. Zhaung’s use of dual and multi-color palettes subtly shifts tones as the viewer shifts positions. His impasto strokes of daring, bright colours are expressive and unconfined. Colors melt together and paint drips down the canvas, seeping over a collage of delicately unfolded rice paper flowers. The almost sculptural, three-dimensionality makes these works both painting and object. Messiness, variety and chance are all embraced, drawing the viewer in, encouraging contemplation as they immerse us in a tapestry of colour and form.

Zhuang Hong Yi has exhibited widely throughout Europe and China. His work is held in numerous esteemed public and private collections worldwide and has been the subject of multiple museum exhibitions at Groniger Museum, Groniger and the Netherlands.