For our 2024 booth concept, we would like to juxtapose the mechanical versus the organically controlled artistic disciplines maintained, manipulated and placed in motion by their chosen medium. Their intention is to challenge the complexities of perpetuating perspective propelled either the human hand or mechanical hand that consciously blur the boundaries between illusion and reality, the abstract and actuality.
Meticulously controlled, calibrated and calculated consistency are the commanding components as Ilhwa Kim embodies the art of patience throughout her execution, transporting the observer into a meditative state. Her dominating perspective plays on precision, depth and space, emulating elusive imagery that enables us to discern it according to our own interpretation.
An aesthetic language that transcends and translates complex concepts, intricate script, and the unpredictability of movement, Zheng Lu emulates the energy of water. His reflective stainless steel sculptures encapsulate the moment of crystallisation, conveniently contradicting the fluidity of water - determining a space of solidification and idolising its endless unrestrictive boundaries.
Exploring the frontiers of human-machine connection, Sougwen Chung is a prominent artist and researcher, renowned for their groundbreaking work in the realm of human-machine collaboration. Chung's artistic approach revolves around the interplay between the mark-made-by-hand and the mark-made-by-machine, compelled by our human capacity to anthropomorphize our relationships with robots and how they can effectively reflect how we view ourselves and our own interactions with others.
Art Tokyo 2024: Tokyo
Past viewing_room