There is being; but by what name to call it, it is neither a dream, nor a vigil, it lies somewhere in between them, and in a person with it, understanding borders on madness.


In Reciprocity and Ruination, Katya Zvevereva speaks about the cycle of existence, from one to many. From person to crowd. Visualizing the desire for life and destruction as an inherent part of human evolution. The rise of human existence and the cyclical nature of mistakes and horrors. Lessons from our past and unwillingness to learn from mankind's history.

Central works of the exposition are “Days of War”, an ongoing series of works about the victims of humanity. Pieces were inspired by the perpetual conflict of Russian aggression against Ukraine and the constant conflicts happening in the world.

In a world of tangle, innocence and naivety remain a template of hope. The simplicity of color and the form of these portraits against a black and white rhythm of emotion epitomized by the artist.