Touchsensitive launches at HOFA Gallery, 3 17 August, it explores themes of sensuality, intimacy and touch in an era of mediated visuality, enticing viewers into captivating worlds of luminant and luxuriant textures created on plexiglass and synthetic silk canvases.


Touchsensitive' will mark the début of new and never-before-seen artworks by the award-winning gestural virtuoso. These include the mesmerizingly blue 'Oeollade (2022)' whose surreal marine hues and wave-like brushstrokes enfold the viewer in luminant coolness, and 'Woman in Amber (2022)' whose decadent tumult of luscious golden browns and bulging folds entice the viewer to feel its silky softness.

This exhibition represents a significant conceptual evolution in Hannah's art as she reaches deep into the philosophies of Leibniz and Deleuze to create artworks that visually articulate the ideals and aesthetics of the digital baroque, elevating her career-long explorations of the screen paradigm and mediated visuality to new heights.


Digital baroqueness emerges through the mediums the artist employs as well as her masterful techniques for achieving the kind of luminance, reflectiveness and texture that insinuate interactive qualities in the digital era. Her visual renditions of the Deleuzean fold heightens these features even more and the result are artworks that possess an ornate resplendence, intensity of colour and effusive even erotic softness that are true to the aesthetics of the Baroque and the feminine sensuality Hannahcelebrates.