Contemporary painter and master Zhuang Hong Yi returns to HOFA Gallery this May with an exclusive London solo show, 'Equinox'.




The exhibition falls within the two-week period of the blossoming of Spring in the artist's home country of China as well as in the Netherlands where Zhuang Hong Yi has lived and worked for many years. This simultenous changing of the seasons in these two parts of the world also represents the blossoming of the motif that is so central to the Zhuang Hong Yi's artistic practice, the flower. In particular, flowering of the Sakura Cherry tree in China and Tulips in the Netherlands, which not only hold an important cultural significance to each nation, but also a deeply personal and symbolic one for Zhuang Hong Yi who merges his Eastern and Western influences in his mesmerising works of art.


Through the portrayal of this iconic motif, Zhuang Hong Yi's landscapes and flowerbeds convey a strong sense of enrichment, positivity, and balance. Nature takes centre stage in these works as the artist takes inspiration from its rhythms and cycles, particularly the Vernal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere which marks the coming of Spring.