Vladinsky | FRAGMENTS: London

4 - 21 Ноября 2021

Romanian visual artist, Vladinsky, renowned for his signature abstract style of portraiture today announces the latest progression of his critically acclaimed 'Observer' series will appear at HOFA Gallery this autumn.


The exhibition titled 'Fragments' features new and previously unreleased works from his lauded Observer series. First launched in 2019, the portraits in this collection reflect a strong philosophical turn in Vladinsky's work as they mirror the dysfunction of modern life. Their elongated profiles, vibrant colours, and inchoate faces, set against dark and seemingly blank backgrounds, are as mesmerising as they are unsettling, provoking viewers to a new and profound understanding of themselves.


"In society we must observe, by observing we choose how to create our own path"


- Vladinsky

These latest works also represent an evolution in Vladinsky's technique and process, having spent many months in the beginning of 2020 studying and experimenting with new forms. His artistic process, which reflects his approach to life, is spontaneous and passionate, a process of flow during which the essence of ideas, emotions and experiences take form on his canvas.